You could seriously use some perspective. The whole world doesn fall down if you miss a deadline or make a mistake or even get fired. There are stakes in both situations, but professional life doesn have homework. They ruin the gaming community from the inside with exclusive games, there has been so many hyped up games some in which had kickstarters and promised steam codes but then epic sees the attention these games are getting and yoinks them away with promises of large amounts of cash and makes them exclusive permanently or for a little while due to it being promised to be on steam.Not only that their launcher is uncomfortable, clunky and the fact about moving to a whole other launcher is a huge hassle especially with multiplayer games like borderlands for example. Having to get all friends to get epic launcher, buy the game, add each other, deal with frequent connection issues while knowing it will come out half a year later on a superior launcher that respects their players. They’re not revolutionising the gaming industry they’re destroying it.
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